“Why did I speak out? Why can I not stop speaking out?

I cannot stay silent whilst Lesbians are being given the ultimatum of ‘sleep with someone who says they’re a woman even though they have a penis or be labelled Transphobic?’ (I will not apologise for saying this sounds like harassment at best and rape culture at worst.)

I could not stay silent whilst men with penises demanded access to women’s prisons, shortlists, changing rooms, hospital wards, shelters, sports, bathrooms and safe zones. In fact according to gender identity activists there is no place on earth that should be PENIS FREE. (Not even Lesbian relationships.)

Up until a few weeks ago I believed I was a Trans ally. I accept Transsexual women, I can appreciate that their journey cannot have been easy; I would never intentionally disrespect someone or refer to them by a pronoun which they didn’t recognise as being appropriate. If you’d asked me should a Transsexual woman who has undergone sex reassignment surgery be housed in a man’s prison I would have said absolutely not, they would become as much of a target as a woman being incarcerated there.

Women are raped by penises, not identities and it is for this reason also that I believe someone with a penis who says they feel like a woman should not be jailed along with women.

The complete refusal to accept that Male Violence is perpetrated by those who have a penis along with the refusal to accept biological reality just leaves me baffled. How can you have a sensible debate with someone who won’t present any evidence but insists on their view being correct. It’s kind of like being back in the Pentecostal church I used to attend. One of the church goers claimed God had given her Gold teeth, my best friend Sarah took a look and said, “No, they’re your Mercury fillings.” We need more women like Sarah in the world.”

-Noracalder (post found here)