femalefacepalm    Well, time for a different sort of cringe-worthy news item. The United Nations has made an Onion worthy press release. Unfortunately, this isn’t satire.

“The United Nations just rejected seven female candidates vying to lead the global organization.

Now, to promote women and girls, it is picking a cartoon character as its mascot: Wonder Woman.

Yes, the comic book figure.”

    *headesk*  What the ever-living-frack is going on in the UN?  I mean is this throwing over half the population of the world a ‘bone’ for overlooking them with regards to leadership positions in the UN.

    Uh…sorry, those female parts you have – you know the unmentionable ones because of religion in the East and the po-mo gender politics in the West (stage whisper: “Vagina, Uterus, Ovaries” – duck and cover) – that exclude you from positions in power.  Let’s not deal with that problem, let’s get serious about fighting for women’s rights by making a comic book character our mascot.

   How very fucking empowerful of the UN and their bold team of deciders.

“Dozens of countries pushed this year for a woman to be chosen as the next Secretary General, pointing out that the United Nations pledges to promote gender equality around the world and arguing that it needed to “lead by example.”

After months of internal jockeying, the Security Council last week picked António Guterres, who ran the United Nations refugee agency for 10 years, to be the world’s top diplomat.

Then on Wednesday, the United Nations announced that it would appoint Wonder Woman as an honorary ambassador for “the empowerment of women and girls.”

The appointment of the heroine will be made official on Oct. 21, when Wonder Woman turns 75, only slightly older than the United Nations itself.”

   Leading by example indeed. :/

“Too bad Wonder Woman will not actually traipse through the halls of the United Nations headquarters. If she did she would inevitably have to vanquish a few problems, like peacekeepers who sexually abuse civilians and major military powers that bomb schools.

The United Nations, in making the announcement, said that Diane Nelson, the president of DC Entertainment, would come to the United Nations to accept the designation, along with “surprise guests.”

    Surprise guests?  –  Is the liberation of women some sort celebrity cause that needs to be ‘punched up’ with some ‘star power’?  I keep looking for the Onion tag line somewhere in this story.

“Wonder Woman’s avatar, Mr. Nasser said, would be used on social media platforms to promote important messages about women’s empowerment, including on gender-based violence and the fuller participation of women in public life.

That, too, is a bit awkward. The United Nations is woefully behind on its pledge of gender parity in senior appointments. One analysis found that nine of 10 senior leadership jobs last year went to men.”

    *Looking through fingers as this train wreck plunges over cliff*  –  Oh, this *IS* the UN leading by example – the problem is that its the wrong farking example.  Replicating normative patriarchal society with a high-sheen glossy-dross of “equality” is precisely the message denatured neo-liberal feminists rally-on about.  ironymeterPrattling on about supporting gender equality while leaving the systems in place that objectively prevent gender equality and then having this boondoggle of a position mirrored at the UN under the auspices of ’empowering’ women….

*sproing* – My irony meter just shorted out.  :/

“Not to mention, a woman has never led the United Nations system, and none will for at least the next five years. The Security Council chose Mr. Guterres, a former prime minister of Portugal, to be the next Secretary General, dismissing the candidacies of seven women and five other men. Mr. Guterres, who is expected to be approved on Thursday morning by the General Assembly, has promised gender parity in senior appointments.”

    Well of course, we should wait for the gender parity to be given to us, by the class of people who have no interest in achieving gender parity.  I’m as pleased as punch, honest.

“Wonder Woman is not the only fictional character to be celebrated by the United Nations: Winnie the Pooh served as its honorary Ambassador of Friendship in 1998; Tinker Bell was its honorary Ambassador of Green in 2009; and Angry Birds dared fans on Twitter last year to make the game’s characters happy by conserving water and energy.”

  I, for one, am grateful that the symbol for the advancement of women in the world shares such auspicious company.

[Source: The New York Times]

  Dear United Nations, if this is your idea of advancing the cause of Women - please just stop.

Dear United Nations, if this is your idea of advancing the cause of Women – please just stop.