Only a taste gentle readers of the abundant multiloquence of pants-on-head-stupid over at “Enlightening Science” – with the ever so ironic tagline ‘with knowledge comes power’.  Dammit, there went the irony meter – again.


Prepare yourselves for a sagacious trip into the dark netherworlds of dudely logic and mansplination (line breaks added for readability):

“Imagine a situation.

Peter and his new girlfriend Janice are going to dinner. During the dinner they have lots of fun, but when Peter and Janice are walking home and she mentions that she is a feminist, Peter asks why isn’t feminism called equalism instead if the movement is fighting for equal rights among females and males. And this was Peter’s mistake. Janice flips out, starts calling him a misogynist  with his male privilege and that he only thinks about sex. Peter seeing how Janice is reacting to his question, decides to leave her.

The next day the police shows up at his apartment to arrest him, because he is accused of  rape. Peter spends two weeks in jail and gets raped there multiple times. When he goes to court he says that he didn’t rape Janice and she admits it. The charges Peter was facing are dropped and Janice walks away without any charges. When Peter returns, his boss tells him that Peter is fired because of false rape charges, and Peter struggles to find another job because he was accused of rape. Do you see what’s is wrong with this story?

Firstly, Peter was raped and no feminist gives a damn about it, no equal rights for him. Secondly, Janice destroys Peter’s life with false rape charges and she isn’t charged with anything, even though she falsely accused somebody of raping her. And these situations are occurring worldwide and no feminist cares about them. All they care about is dominating men. Okay, not all feminists do that, but those who do are what’s known on the internet as  feminazis.”

I’ve left a comment on this dude’s blog, I’ll reprint it here, because somehow I have this feeling that it might not clear moderation:


[ed:I haven’t the intestinal fortitude to reproduce this dudely masterwork in full, open a new tab to read side by side if you really need to see the amazing thesis for yourself.]


“Is feminism any good or is it rotten to the core?”

Starting with fallacy of the excluded middle. Banner start. I’m guessing hilarity will ensue.

“As you may already know, feminism is a civil rights movement, fighting for women equality, so that women could be equal to men in all aspects.”

Dictionary definition of feminism. Par for the course.

Feminism is the struggle by women to be liberated from the oppressive patriarchal structures of society. There can be no ‘equality’ in a societal structure that is inherently unequal.

“Imagine a situation.”

Hypotheticals? Wow, this usually indicates that a fine beating, of the very first order, on arguments made of straw is about to happen.

“Peter asks why isn’t feminism called equalism instead if the movement is fighting for equal rights among females and males.”

Is it Janice’s fault that Peter doesn’t know jack-shit about feminism. It isn’t, of course, but if we know anything about how patriarchal society works it is this: men blame women for men’s problems.

Let’s see how that goes…

“Peter spends two weeks in jail and gets raped there multiple times.”

Name the problem: Male violence expressed in the form of rape.
Who do we blame? – Janice, obviously. (???)

Rape is under-reported in society because of the systemic barriers in place that make it difficult if not impossible for women to seek justice when they have been raped. ( for statistics and facts about reporting rape)

I see you have the words ‘enlightening’ and ‘science’ in the title of your blog. Let’s see if you live up to the name. The above link is to a specific page, but judging by the content of this post, most of the’s site is required reading.

“And these situations are occurring worldwide and no feminist cares about them.”

As you stated earlier this is a hypothetical (‘imagining’ in your words) – by definition these situations are NOT occurring world wide.

“and no feminist cares about them. All they care about is dominating men. Okay, not all feminists do that, but those who do are what’s known on the internet as feminazis.”

So certain feminists should be associated with Nazi Germany. How refreshing that you’ve Godwin’ed yourselfin only the second paragraph of your fact laden treatise.

So please explain how these feminists are like the National Socialists in Germany in WW2, I eagerly await your learned response.

“Well they don’t want equal rights among females and males, they want to dominate men.”

Which feminist works say this? Please show us the evidence of your assertion, otherwise you are just talking out of your ass.

“Because the judge wanted to keep a public image of him not being a misogynist, because giving her a normal sentence would receive feminazi hate.”

Please show us this case, and the judges ruling – specifically the part about the judge bowing to the ‘feminazi’ pressure, otherwise you’re making shit up and calling it ‘factual’.

“So she was cat called only 0.5% of all her walk time. That is so low that you couldn’t even misogyny.”

Well thank you helpful dude for quantifying for women what is harassment and what isn’t for women. It is not like women should do that for themselves considering that they, not you, are the targets of street harassment.

“She was wearing provocative clothes and she, although I love my girlfriend and I don’t find anyone else attractive, biologically speaking she was attractive. So no wonder she got attention.”

This, this right here is, is in the most classic sense blaming the victim. How amazingly stupid do you think men are – it would seem that you think that men cannot act like decent human beings because of the clothing choices of women.

Okay hard question time – what should women wear so they won’t get attention? Or did you realize that the only necessary variable for catcalling is being female. See Stop The Catcall for evidence of this.

“The third variable is biology. Males are high-wired to be attracted to attractive women and due to our society’s set standards for males, males have to approach the females to set up a family.”

So males get act like shitty human beings because biology. Males, as you describe them, seem to be pretty stupid and weak – if they cannot even control themselves when they see a woman.

“Or do you know the so called wage gap? People are saying that females earn only 0.77$ for every 1$ a man makes. Do you really think this is true?”

It is true. Here is the evidence for the wage gap being true. I’ve noticed that you just say a lot things, and then fail to provide any evidence that the things you are saying are true. This is pretty much as unenlightened and anti-science as once can be. Perhaps you should consider changing the name of your blog to better reflect reality.

“In our society you have really great double standards – everybody is into stopping female rape, but male rape is “non-existent according to feminazis,”

Citation needed, or its bullshit. Guess which one I think it is. (hint: the smelly option)

“There is no male privilege but there is a female privilege.”

Yep, women sure are privileged. They are raped more often, get paid less, suffer more domestic abuse, are aborted more world wide, have strict rules governing their reproductive health, are less educated, make up the majority of the world’s poor.

But I guess that all doesn’t matter because of ‘female privilege’. Right on dude. Right on.

  Need the heavy duty facepalm on this one...

Need the heavy duty facepalm on this one…