meanatheists  The authors here at DWR have a mean atheistic streak.  There is no denying that.  I mean we have a whole day of postings that deal specifically with religion and the goofiness that ensues when you allow magical thinking into your wheelhouse.  My readership mostly knows that believing in religion is seen by most rational people, a character flaw at best and a reason to make funny and derisive comments at worst.  It is obvious how toxic religion is to critical thinking, progress (social and otherwise) and advancement of the human condition (see the religion/patriarchal ‘love-in’ for instance).

We Atheist types know this.

We have the truth on our side (*grins*), yet it matters not a whit to those firmly cocooned in the oily grasp of religion.  Explaining exactly where their belief system fails and importantly, why it fails, consistently fails to provoke the ‘ah-ha’ moment of realization in many believers.

It would seem that some truths are more inconvenient than others and thus are easily ignored, talked around, and even outright dismissed when arguing.

I know the justification for continuing the pwnage of the religious and their arguments – the lurkers following the arguments might get an opportunity to see a point of view outside their faith and the thin sliver of doubt might creep into their consciousness and the process of embracing living life in this world can begin.  Woo-haa!

We can chalk up another win for Atheism!

But how come it almost never feels like a win in situ?  I’ve spent a great deal of keystrokes arguing with the religious – mostly charitably, sometimes not so charitably, but the local outcome is almost always the same.  Thanks for your opinion and the neat arguments – excuse me while I catch up on my prayers to jebus now.


greenhouseearth  I think there is a bigger problem that religion.  Religion has its moments of putting all of humanity at risk (looking at you nuclear Middle East solutions) but you know what is really killing us?  State supported neo-liberal capitalism and the “fuck you, I’ve got mine” ethic that goes along with it.  This ideology is systematically grinding societies, the climate, and ultimately our future into dust.  Is being the last to draw breath on a ruined planet that much of a privilege?  I mean the elites that run our system our well insulated from the reality that they create for the rest of us, but eventually, they too will have to bow before the forces they have unleashed.

Knowing that elite will also suffocate in the shithole they’ve created is a cold Pyrrhic victory –  it is the only assured outcome if the status-quo remains the same.


Maybe I need to focus on the christians that espouse the prosperity gospel – two birds with one stone and whut not.