streetharassmentI’m curious as to how many times we need to see incidents like this.  Misogyny via the expression of normative patriarchal values at it very finest in dear old Cowtown.  Go take a look at the clip from CBC Calgary with reporter Meghan Grant.

“FHRITP — or f–k her right in the p—y — is a phrase men scream at (for the most part) female reporters. It’s rude, it’s degrading and it’s harassment. It’s happened before. It’ll probably happen again. But today was different.    Since the Flames made the playoffs, I’ve heard numerous stories from reporter friends of harassment along the Red Mile. So-called fans screaming obscenities at reporters. So-called fans trying to get women to show their breasts. So-called fans behaving badly in the name of the Flames.  Today, I’m doing a story on the #SafeRedMile movement. People doing things in an effort to discourage harassment (often sexual) along 17th Avenue during and after games.”


Two dude bros took it upon themselves to share their very important opinion (laced with male entitlement) with Meghan and the world.  And here is the very best part – when women complain about stupid misogynistic shit like this they are not taken seriously, or dismissed as generalizing.



Of course #NOTALLMEN! …  (warning on video for misogyny, harassment and language).

What many #notallmen defenders seem not to realize is that there is a critical mass of men out there that condone this sort of behaviour.  It may not be *you* personally or your mates, but this shit is prevalent enough that it still remains socially acceptable to do so.  So dudes, are you feeling unfairly accused, indignant even that you would be so slavishly generalized about??  Let me assure you, being catcalled and harassed like this is *far* worse than the righteous rage you may be feeling.

So suck it up, man up, and call this shit out when you see it happening around you because the female half of the human race should not have to deal with this kind of harassment (that happens daily).

We can see the #NotAllMen at work in the comments section, allow me to highlight a few…

  • morebeansplease

i am a man and i do not shout things like this at anyone, yet this reporter chooses to stereotype all men as engaging in this behaviour. this story is offensive to me as a man, and sexist.

Fascinating. Obviously if I am not doing it, it cannot be a thing. But my feelings are hurt because men as class tend to act this way toward women. We need to focus more on my manfeels and less on those women being catcalled and harassed.

  • Tape_to_Tape

The FHRITP is a small issue completely blown out of proportion by the media.

Is it crude? Yes. Is it considered unacceptable behaviour? Yes. Does it represent more than 1% of men or sports fans? NO.

It seems the CBC can’t get enough on this issue. Be done with it already and move on!!

Oh this is all just trivial shit as it never happens to me so can we please just move on as it clearly isn’t a problems for dudes…

  • cherry picker

Is it a remote possibility that somehow the “man” in truck collaborated with the interviewer?
Maybe just a strange coincidence?


*Cue X-files music* – It must be a conspiracy by those damn double XXers to make men look bad! Unpossible! Ibeing a man, am offended that people like me do this, thus rather than try to see the problem I’ll label a conspiracy so I don’t have to change one fucking iota.

Being female in our society presents a different set of challenging obstacles that women must face *every* day.  I suggest that we start listening to, rather than dismissing, what women have to say.