All of the following has been cribbed from David Futrelle’s We Hunted the Mammoth – Thank you David for doing the heavy lifting on this one.

“The Honey Badgers — a mostly female A Voice for Men spinoff group known for its unlistenable internet “radio” shows — was sent packing after conventioneers complained about their connections to #GamerGate — a nine-month-long orgy of harassment targeting outspoken women in gaming and their supporters — and their alleged disruption of a panel devoted to women in comics.

According to Calgary Expo officials, the group was kicked out for “actively disregarding” the Expo’s efforts to provide “a positive and safe event” for attendees.

The Calgary Expo has a clear policy when it comes to who it admits to its show and the standards that must be followed.

“The Comic & Entertainment Expo Committee does not tolerate harassment of any type at any of its events. Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to, words, signs, offensive jokes, cartoons, pictures, posters, e-mail jokes or statements, pranks, intimidation, physical assaults or contact, or violence.”

What did these people do? Let’s look at a sample of their work:


David Futrelle continues:

“I’m no lawyer, but it seems to me that this in itself would be enough to get the Honey Badgers booted from the Calgary Expo. A group that literally sells rape joke t-shirts and coffee mugs to raise money for itself is a group that doesn’t belong at a convention that’s trying to be “positive and safe” for its attendees.

Add to this their connection to #GamerGate — a hate movement — and A Voice for Men — a hate group — and it’s pretty clear that Calgary Expo officials had more than enough justification for their decision to send the Honey Badgers on their way.”


And there is the news from the land of reason. If we head over to the other side inhabited by privileged members of the oppressed majority, we see a much different picture being painted. I’ve already done a post on how amazing cogent Lucian Maverick is, but the fun-house version of reality and desperate seriousness of his words begs for reproduction (from Free Speech Doesn’t Mean Much to SJW’s – A response to the Calgary Expo):

“Who knew that Canadians were cool with fascism?  Neato.  Let’s not beat around the bush here.  This wasn’t done for equality or because people felt unsafe or anything like that.  Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or has an agenda.  Or both.  Those things aren’t mutually exclusive.”

LolcopterI’m calling the LoLcopter in early on this one.  Lucy Maverick is excels at making shit up.  The reason the Honey badgers were expelled from the Calgary expo was because they violated the rules and terms they agreed to when they set up a booth there.  See David Futrelle’s piece on as to exactly why they were given the boot.

“Let’s put all our cards on the table – this is censorship.  What Calgary Expo has done is censor opinions that, professionally, disagreed with someone else.  Seriously, did you all listen to that audio that was taken in Mundane Matt’s video?  Did that sounds like someone being threatening and hateful?  Did that sound even remotely like a person who was waving a gun around or wanting to hurt anyone?  No, it didn’t.  It was a reasonable discourse between two people.  Yet, because they were associated with GamerGate, the Authoritarian, McCarthy wannabes in the SJW clique had to get them thrown out.  And, what’s more, banned from any future attendance of such expos.  Something that is going to hurt the career of Alison Tieman, since she now cannot promote her artwork.  She drew the comics that Honey Badger Brigade had at her booth.  It’s nice to see that Calgary Expo is also in favor of destroying women’s careers.  #EqualityExpo my ass!”

LoL.  When you go against your booth rental agreement – you get booted.  Maybe LM should read the Calgary Expo Faq, it would stop the raging stupid.

“As for you, Calgary Expo, you kowtow to these people too, and you better believe that there is such a thing as bad press.  I’m going to make sure it gets out.  I’m going to make sure that people know that you are an organization that promotes censorship and has no problem ruining the careers of women.  Which is what you’ve done.  You’ve destroyed a woman’s ability to promote her artwork at comic book expos.  Honey Badger Brigade raised over $10,000 to get to your bigoted expo.  I hope you don’t give them their money back, so they can sue your asses.  You people make me sick.”

Lolcopter Sadly this is the more cogent of the two whiny-pissbabies we’ll be observing today.  From the more unhinged column we have the frothy commentator the Right Vidya.  From his post: Time to Take the Gloves Off, #gamergate! :

“Likewise, there is the very recent event at the Calgary Expo, where a group of pro-#GamerGate women were forcibly asked to leave, because their booth sold #GamerGate merchandise. It doesn’t matter if they’re a threat or not: the end goal for SJWs is the complete and utter annihilation of #GamerGate and anyone who supports #GamerGate. From there, they can proceed to push their “convert or perish” doctrine onto gaming unopposed.”

Again, full marks for making shit up but lets make this about me and my supposed right to be misogynistic asshole while gaming.  Whiny man-babies be pissed about having to treat women like people after all.

“These are not rational, reasonable human beings. There is no “negotiations” with them. They demand nothing short of total compliance. They do not want peace, they do not want compromise, they do not want coexistence. They want the systemic silencing and marginalization of everyone who is not on their side. Everything is filtered through their worldview: their compassion and empathy is purposefully crippled in order to maximize their effectiveness. Their perception of events is dictated through ideology. Their reactions to events are only based on dogma. They have surrendered their individuality to the greater good.”

You can’t make this stuff up.  RV is having a tantrum because the old shit won’t fly anymore and nothing shall stand in his way to preserve the status quo.

“We need to treat them like enemies. We have to be more aggressive, more brutal, more vicious. Stop yelling at each other over petty stuff like someone calling @srhbutts a dude- he’s the enemy, he doesn’t matter, whatever helps push him out of the picture is good. Leave your perceptions of “right” and “wrong” at the door. This is a culture WAR, not a culture disagreement. War is an ugly, brutal thing, and we must take an ugly, brutal approach in handling our enemy. We cannot stop until we are entirely certain that fandom will be safe from the SJW menace.”

Give me fandom or give me death!!!  :)   Male entitlement, written large by Gamer Gate, and individuals such as Lucy Maverick and RV is a large toxic pool of quarter baked ideas, straw versions of opposing arguments and great deal of “waaaaaaaa”.

Adults are watching, and adults are laughing. :)

Another great run down on this drama is available from House Mouse Queen on her Blog Mancheeze.