Sometimes a TV show captures a feeling so succinctly, so beautifully, so powerfully, that it becomes something a little more special.  Sure it is the West Wing a TV drama – but put away the cynicism for just a bit –  and follow the emotion of the moment portrayed.  You know I’m no fan of the military, but I think the message is bigger than just the surface trappings of the event.

The moment is about empathy and being willing to take the hit for helping bring to others some small bit of decency, even if it is the funeral of one of your loved ones.  The juxtaposition of the stark funeral procession and the christmas festivities just destroys me every time I watch the damn clip.   A funeral as a holiday ‘gift’ illustrating the humanity and possible decency of the human spirit….oh damn…there I go again.

Happy Holidays to you, gentle readers, from all of us here at DWR.




Seasons Greetings

From: The Arbourist, Mystro, The Intransigent One, and Bleatmop.