manslpainingOne of the most refreshing experiences a feminist can be graced with, it is positively bracing I do declare, is having an entitled white dude explain to them what is wrongity-wrong-wrong with Feminism.  I’m not sure what is more alluring, a dude’s decisive grasp of the basic tenets of feminist thought or their keen focus on what feminism should be about.  Both are lobe expanding/enhancing experiences.

The influx of dudely commentary on the feminism tag seems positively correlated to the collective male apoplexy otherwise known as “GamerGate” a loose organization of dudes purportedly about ethics in game journalism (who the fuck cares about game journalism?) which, in actuality, is a movement committed to defending the misogyny that permeates much of gaming “culture”.  The defense of misogyny in society is always accompanied by the harassment of women who dare to speak against the dude-approved status quo; let me assure you their is no lack of harassment toward females in this grand movement.

I digress from the twittering musings of the RPOJ, but I feel that a little background was(is) necessary to adequately frame where our next featured writer is coming from.  Imagine, gentle reader:  Hadrian’s Wall or the Black Gate from Tolkien, or even “The Wall” from Game of Thrones.  Our dudely protagonist clearly places himself defending these bastions of masculinity against the ravening feminists hoards that seek only to pull down all that is good and just, not only the arena of gaming, but dare I say, the world.  Our embattled protagonist must mount a fierce defense of his fiefdom as clearly, being in the majority, at the top of the social and cultural power gradients, basically the world being designed for him – is in moral peril of the threat of women being included in his world and being treated as human beings.  This is a grave threat that cannot, nay… belay that, must not be ignored.

The fainting whirling you hear in the background is the stirring of the eyebrows of feminists who see this sad/enraging/sardonic (stupefying?) metaphor constantly being used by dudes to frame the oppression of men by the evil forces of feminism –  only ruin can follow if the feminists are not put to a halt.

RPOJSee if you can spot “The Wall” in the musty musings of  this anal polyp also known as The Asylum.   Our friend The Ass-Plum (I know, it writes itself some days) has written a real charmer of a post entitled “Fuck Off Feminists – part 1“.  Catchy title, but do you think that with his laser like concision, our dude will stay on target and deal with this weighty statement with the due amount of charity and accuracy or; will he make shit up while beating straw feminism to death and recycle MRA talking points while talking through his hat?

The wiggling Red Pen of Justice cannot be forestalled any further – Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.  But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the kitteh!!

“OK so the title has probably got some people’s backs up, and to be honest good, as it will later be stated that those are the people who in fact just prove my point further.”

Fascinatingly enough, starting by insulting the group you’re about to pontificate about is a fairly common tactic.  Do note that being as asshole is the Plan A here.  Fuck discourse, fuck measured debate, and of course a heaping plate of fuck you to civility.

“Firstly, I am not for one second that the great voices of the female past such as Pankhurst should be forgotten, merely that the movement, along with many others, has now been bastardised beyond recognition.”

Nor are you keen with the proof reading, but full marks for telling us who women should venerate and who they should not – clearly within your dudely purview.

“I will take this moment now to state I am not going to use “scientific answers”,”

In best “Data” Voice:  But captain, this is magnificent case of rectal cranial reversal!  He is saying the facts of the situation don’t matter, but his very important opinion does.  Oh, to what depths will you fall you magnificent Ass-Plum of a human being.

“I am merely using my site to state that I am sick to the back teeth of so many pro women feminists out there twisting every single article or statement into a debate about how women are suffering at the hand of the tyrannical male, newsflash – its people who suffer at the hands of people not just women at the hand of man.”

Those women.  They are responsible for everything bad about the world, it is and always shall be their fault. Oh, and I’ll throw in some bullshit equality talk in a Pyrrhic attempt to make me look like less of douche.

“Oh, and by the way I am Not a woman-hater in any shape or form,”

Ah, then Ass-Plum dearest, how do you explain the title of this article?  Hmm?

“nor am I deliberately or intentionally misogynistic,”

But if it happens, so be it?  – *watches ass-plum shrug*.  Yep, a true gentlemen we have here.

“however I do believe that no matter how much we advance there are always going to be certain roles that either Gender is predisposed to have a better “success” rate at.”

Really?  And how would you measure that binky?  How would you control for the wide variation in male and female socialization to be able to make that sweeping claim.   And really gender is about oppression and is a societal construct that must be dismantled, along with patriarchy in order for our society to evolve.

““You don’t understand!” ” You’re just being a typical man!”  “We have always had it harder than men so we are entitled to this attitude!” and the great one “we only want equality””

But Ass-Plum, **you** really don’t understand, you exhibit demonstrable white male privilege and entitlement and as we’ll see are generally clueless about the topic you’ve chosen to discuss.

”  Well hello even a look at the dictionary definition of Feminism highlights just how warped the movement has become  the correct definition being”

Ah, because the world is precisely demarcated by what the OED says, especially when it comes to complex sociological topics.   Dealing with qualities that individuals possess though, woo, dictionaries are great take for instance this, as it applies to you (As an aside: since when does looking shit up in a dictionary qualify as ‘research’):

“ignoramus [ig-nuhrey-muh s, –ramuh s] – extremely ignorant person. ”  Well, if that isn’t you down to a “T” I don’t know what is.  

   Ass-Plum having at least a little bit of clue in finding definitions went to the OED, but was completely stumped by the second part of the definition he found.

“A ‘second wave’ of feminism arose in the 1960s, with an emphasis on unity and sisterhood; seminal figures included Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer”

“So there in a nut shell is how warped it has become,  the original movement was to give women the same rights as men – which is more than deserved and should not ever be thought of as anything but correct.   However,  then the second wave started promoting sisterhood, creating an “all girls together” us against the world,  we can do as we wish and man has to put up with it, attitude.”

  I hate to break it to you Skippy, but the the only ones who get to say when the feminist revolution is over are women.  Our fruit-enhanced punter also seems to think that women organizing and displaying signs of solidarity within their class is a somehow a bad thing.  He, like most men attempting to mansplain feminism, miss/ignore the historical relevance of what each wave brought/brings to the table.  I’m not your history teacher, Grasshopper, read more about the Waves of Feminism here.

“Which is itself prioritising one gender at the disregard of the other.”

    I see this so fracking much in discussions of feminism.  What is “this”, well this dear reader is the dark shard of ignorance that drives so much of hot air that eminates from people when they have “serious” discussions about feminism. 

   It starts with a mindset that somehow the here and now that both women and men are treated equally in society.  Evidentially speaking, this is not the case, see socialization, pay gap, harassment etc.  Here is my theory – because generally many white dudes get a fair shake in society (that and having their norms reflected and embedded) they somehow think that others that don’t look like them, have the same experience.  

   The other aspect of why dudes say the stupidest things is a keenly developed ahistorical narrative in which the oppression of women is minimized or erased entirely.  Please dudes just read History Matters and Against our Will they will serve as preventative tonics against you sounding so earth shatteringly ignorant. 

“Not Equality and therefore not true Feminism, so to those who state read the definition, I Say to you, I HAVE.”

     You sir, would not know Feminism if bit you in the ass. 

“Further to that now I believe there is a much more damaging 3rd wave of feminists about who thanks to a friend who uses the term so well, we willfacepalmbear call “feminazi” and their intent is to completely reverse the times of old and create essentially a female controlled and led society where males are seen as a lower species. “

    Wow, just wow.  Because the liberation of women is just like Fascism!!!  Right here, right now witness the manly construction of a straw argument.  Third Wave feminism is about creating a society dominated by women, essentially replacing patriarchy with matriarchy!

    Jesus-fuck.  The hysterical men-children have broke loose because the big bad feminists are encroaching on their domain.  By encroaching I mean demanding that women be treated as full human beings. 

*sigh forever*

“You may think this is a bit of an extreme over reaction,”

  No shit, Sherlock.

“sadly it is not, nor is the use of the word “feminazi”  in fact you could dissect the word two ways and it would still make the current movement inseparable from the phrase.”

   *thump* It was sound of hundreds of heads hitting hundreds of desks.  But at least Ass-Plum is doing definitions again, as it has been so helpful to his cause…

“[1] Femi-Nazi – A movement designed to seek control over society, through manipulation of the community and through an environment of fear. “

  Oh you mean like the environments women must navigate through *all the time* in society because their status as human beings is almost always in question? 

“[2] Femin-azi – “A spin on Papparazi , the horrible scurge of the Human race who, think they have a right to invade people in their own personal space and spread some idle gossip or half truth in order to glorify themselves and or promote their own self-worth and gain,  who will think nothing of terrorising and controlling individuals until they achieve their end goal”

    Ah yes because men are regularly sent rape and death threats for speaking out in female dominated spheres of interest… 

“See Both work.”

   Both actually prove that the three working neurons you possess took the fucking day off.

”  Not to mention the trivialisation of RAPE.  Yes People, I said it,  the worlds second most abhorrent crime is being trivialised by supposed pro equality and pro female rights groups, in many ways and this is a major worry for me.  “

   Wait, what?

“Sadly we will never irradiate this act but again,”

   The rest of his commentary must be positively glowing with fact. 

“Point One,  it does happen to Men as well as women,  there is no need to either hide or promote a “certain statistic” that will validate your claim,  Rape is about power,  Power is not gender specific,  Sorry but it’s not.”

   1.What about teh Menz!

   2. Power gradients in society, what the fuck are they?

   3. I know nothing of history therefore I can be this much of fuck-wit. 

    I need Ass-Plum to come up for air soon, the stupid is becoming suffocating.   Power is not gender specific, also just in: The Sun orbits the Earth…

 “If I go out and get a bit drunk and end up waking up next to a girl who I didn’t know the night before, then that is a pretty good night,”

  Because your experience is everyone’s experience.  Dammit, I’m going to need a heavy grade shower-poof to exfoliate all this dudely entitlement off.

“It is not me becoming a sex pest,  if that was the case then most men in the world would be serial rapists, and again I state so would many women.”

   Because consent is hard (?).  Treating women like they were a part of humanity is not that big of a stretch, try it some time.

“People should not have to get written consent before every single act of a sexual nature takes place for fear of being put up on charges,  and while im on the subject and just to clarify further”

    Because making sure she wants to participate with you in said activity might ruin your boner.  You can fuck right-off jerkstick. 

“Anyway, basically what im trying to say, in my own clumsy way, is that Rape is a disgusting and vile act and the actual “act” should not be lessened by the over use or application of the word to situations that in fact are just “mistakes” or in some cases, Fun.”

   Oh because those darn women mistaking rape for FUN!  You contemptible asshole of the first degree.  Your defense of rape culture is disgusting.  

“Sadly, I am not sure how we can move forward from this, as it appears to just be another example of how modern day society is intent on tearing itself apart,  however , let me try to put it to you really simply,”

    We can move forward when dipshits such as yourself are struck repeatedly with a clue by four until you get some basic contextual idea of what is actually happening in society and not the nilly-willy full of shit-to-the-gills self-serving narrative that you’ve had excruciatingly turned to “11” this entire post.

“Does anyone have the “right” to be racist , just because they’re ancestors were wrongly treated?”

   I don’t even know what this means.  My best guess is Clownus-Maximus is trying an inverted racism  argument because uppity black people/women/minorities disquiet his precious status-quo.

“Does anyone religion have the “right” to control other belief systems just because of theirs?”

    Awww Brironymetero!  Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? – And by get along we do mean the way in which society functions that continues to directly and indirectly benefit me (the great white-dude).

“No, and nor does any one GENDER have a right to Control the other.”

   Ass-Plum, your ignorance must constantly endanger your life.  Get yourself to a library, stat!

“Now, I could continue by going into the rights and wrongs of gender specific roles and situations, and how we as society create these situations ourselves, almost from birth, by the “preconceptions” of Boy is Blue, Girl is Pink,  Barbie vs Action Man, etc,”

   Oh god, please don’t!   My irony meter just committed seppuku like three paragraphs back…

“however to be honest, im getting a bit hungry and tired now so am off to find the nearest Tavern and local wench  ;)  so that will have to wait,”

   There are small mercies in this world, the firehose of ignorant bullshit has ceased.  Hallelujah! 

   As a new added feature of the RPOJ we get a Shakespearean Insult hand culled from the internets.

Dear Ass-Plum,    See Above.

Dear Ass-Plum,
See Above.