Conservative media has attempted to portray the notion of women as autonomous human beings as "radical".

Conservative media has attempted to portray the notion of women as autonomous human beings as “radical”.

The recently decimated Liberal Party is stirring back to life with the election of a new Leader.  Justin Trudeau has decreed that his MP’s will vote pro-choice, no exceptions.

The woolly anti-choicers that still remain within the party, or loosely affiliated, have recently penned an open letter to Mr.Trudeau about his policy.

“How can such a discriminatory policy serve the democratic ideals of our great nation?” wrote the ex-MPs, many of whom are known for being outspoken on socially conservative issues.

Actually it’s quite easy – your moral conscience is wrong – and since abortion is a settled issue in Canada the Liberal Party of Canada won’t support any fooling around the rights of women and their autonomy.

“Trudeau tweeted his apparent response late Thursday.

The days when old men get to decide what a woman does with her body are long gone. Times have changed for the better. #LPC defends rights.
— @JustinTrudeau”

Times have definitely changed for the better . I’m scoring one for Trudeau on this issue.
