The title of this video is “what if you’re wrong” and yes atheist friends DM2525 does touch on that venerated old chestnut of Pascal’s Wager, but like M. Night – Can’tmakeagoodmovietosafehislife- with a twist – there are questions and consequences that the deluded must face.

If your god happens to be the right one, how is it merciful to condemn some 5 million other people to hell?  How do you know your god is the “right” one, given the sectarian nature of the christian and muslim faiths you might be on the right team, but sitting in the wrong seats; so off to hell you go.

Did you ever get the feeling that religious people don’t stop to question their faith?  Because a serious examination of the just the numbers presented here would indicate a pretty good chance of being FUBAR’ed right from get go.  Even contemplating stuff like this makes the faithful bust out their jesus approved cotton balls ready to jammed down auditory canals served up with a side of “LALLLALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!!!!”.  But then again, reality is a fraught with anxiety, existential and otherwise and who wants to be staring down the barrel of that gun 24/7 (other than us hell bound atheists, of course).