stupidity-276x300Another ardent believer in free speech, as long as you aren’t calling them on their bullshit, Gnyii has managed to append my last comment on a thread that, as usual with the deluded religious right, is strong with the fetus-fetish.  Thus, in the interests of clarity, I’ll republish the last comment that I replied to.

Gnyii: “Given the level of your prose… I have great argument.”

LOL. You have great argument?

This is cliche liberal debate 101. It’s like you guys follow some kind of handbook on how to be an Internet troll. Step 1, make asinine comment on random conservative blog without actually reading the article. Step 2, attack the prose, grammar, or spelling of the original poster. Step 3, immediately follow up with bad prose, grammar or spelling.

Anyhoo, everything you stated in your response is fully and thoroughly addressed in my main article. It’s obvious you did not actually READ the article… that or you are so far entrenched in trying to justify murdering your own child that no amount of science or common sense will sway you. The humanity of the unborn is so scientifically established that to believe otherwise is akin to being a flat earther. But when it comes to justifying having your offsprings spine ripped out their skull to suit YOUR selfish needs, I’m sure intellectual suicide isn’t that extreme.

Anyway, go find some other blog to troll, I’m done feeding you. Your regurgitated and scientifically unfounded extremism has been addressed enough by me and at this point…. haters gonna hate, Proverbs 9:8. ;-)

Arb replies – @gnyii

Quite happy to let you leave this in moderation – This is just for you anyways :)  (ed. and my readership)

 It is fascinating really, when in the original article, you set the tone of what sort of response you are looking for.

G:”Petulant feminazis don’t realize that…”

   Realize that you are not just talking to the rest of your ‘base’ high up on bullshit mountain, and if you start the slinging of mud, expect the same in return, my dear reality challenged friend.

G: “without actually reading the article.”

   Why argue with stuff you pulled out of the right wing hate-o-sphere?  Or did you want to cite the document where Planned Parenthood lobbied for children being able to express themselves sexually.  I believe that you can’t, or won’t because the facts don’t seem particularly relevant to you.

  G: “Step 2, attack the prose, grammar, or spelling of the original poster.”

 Hmmm…let’s look at this exchange.

 G: “And here I assumed everyone reading had an elementary school level understanding. Well, if your general education ever exceeds that of 6th grade biology, […]”

 Arb:”Given the level of your prose, let me assure you, much less is necessary.”

  Interesting it’s almost like you don’t see the savory hypocrisy in your statement.  Of course, when you’re a denizen of bullshit mountain being right no-matter-what is the default setting.  Just know that outside of BS mountain, we’re laughing at you.  :)

 G: “It’s obvious you did not actually READ the article…”

 Again, poorly researched screeds are mostly boring (or did all those citations from the sources your claiming to quote disappear?). Concomitantly, your misogyny is nothing new under the sun.

G:”you are so far entrenched in trying to justify murdering your own child that no amount of science or common sense will sway you.”

 LoL.  You are calling the fetus a “child” and accusing me of being not following scientific facts?  Not to mention the grand dramatic distortions, appeals to emotion that are so typical to anti-choice advocates when it comes to terminating a pregnancy.

G:”The humanity of the unborn is so scientifically established”

 Wow, did you even read my argument?  Huh, guilty of not doing what you accuse me of again.  It’s very hard to take your sanctimony seriously when, after berating me for doing “x”,  you go and do “x”.

 Here is my argument.  Try and read for comprehension next time.

 “Women are autonomous human beings and have say as to what goes on in their bodies. It is absolutely their within their rights as human beings to decide to terminate their pregnancy, as it is their body. “

 I never once call in question the humanity of the fetus.  Assign it as much as humanity as you’d like.  It’s rights should never supersede those of the women, as it is her body being used.

G:”But when it comes to justifying having your offsprings spine ripped out their skull to suit YOUR selfish needs,”

I know you’re just dying to show some fetus porn here, I can feel it.  Maybe with the whingy caption “What about the Baaaaabeeeee?!?!?”.

 Unlike you, I do trust women to make the best choices for planning their families.  Also I arrived at that conclusion not having to consult any sky-daddies or related mythology to do so.  Reality based argumentation is great, you should try it some time.

 Funny how I’m almost sure you advocate for smaller government, except when its used to persecute women, then surprisingly, more government restrictions are a good thing.

Right-wingers and consistency – what is it??

 G:”Your regurgitated and scientifically unfounded extremism”

You do know that “science” doesn’t have a position on abortion right?  Science is concerned about facts, as opposed to the dramatic reading you’ve presented here.

 G:”Anyway, go find some other blog to troll, I’m done feeding you”

 Thank goodness.  I’d hate for any of that reality based commentary to seep into your world view.  Dangerous stuff.


   Sadly, this is almost always the way these conversations go when it comes to the attack on women and their reproductive rights.