The most remarkable ability that could be attributed to me at the age of fifteen was having not crushed my skull or lost a significant amount of my digits doing stupid shit.  Ms.Yousafzai has considerably less going for her, but is doing considerably more.  She is fighting for right for children to be educated.

This is what she wrote:

On 15 June fourteen girls were murdered in Pakistan simply because they wanted an education. Many people know my story but there are stories every day of children fighting for an education. The basic right to education is under attack around the world.

We need change now and I need your help to achieve it.

You can help me and girls and boys across the world. We are asking the United Nations General Assembly to fund new teachers, schools, books and recommit to getting every girl and boy in school by December 2015.

This July 12th is my 16th birthday and I am personally delivering this petition to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

I became a victim of terrorism after I spoke out in favour of education of girls. These innocent girls killed in Pakistan have nothing to do with politics and only wanted to empower themselves through education.

If we want to bring change, if we want progress, if we want development, if we want the education of girls, we should be united. We should not wait. We should do it now.

Go sign the petition.   I did.  Take the 30 seconds and get it done.
