Green_summer_meadowImagine, if you will, walking in a salubrious green meadow.  The sun is shining, a cool breeze plays delicately with your hair, you’re lost in the rich tapestry of nature; all is well.  Then imagine you step into a what appears to be the largest, most vile pile of dung and putrefaction you’ve ever seen.  Silly you, taking off your shoes to enjoy the soft earth earlier, now only the rancid ichor squishes up from betwixt your piggies.  Hold that image, dear friends because this is what happened to me while browsing the feminism tag in the wordpress reader.  I came across this festering pustule of a web site and started reading one misogynists vapidly shallow thoughts on women and how they should act.

Let me replay some lowlights –

“Women, let me tell you something that your friends and many guys will not. Your tattoos are ugly. We do not like them. We respect you less for them. We think you’re a pawn without a sense of solidarity in a world that pressures you to conform.”

Can you feel the sense of dudebro entitlement flowing?  I certainly can, and of course under the weighty guise of speaking for all men nothing but wisdom can flow.  The jack-assery only gets worse.

“The fact that women with tattoos and piercings are exceptionally easy to conquer sexually with minimal effort always gets contested despite the universal anecdotal evidence to the contrary.”

dudebroThe ugly misogyny on display is revolting.  Sexual conquest, that would be the role women have.  Not people, not human beings, conquests.  Do note the appeal to “universal anecdotal evidence” – a synonym for “shit I make up and call it true”.

“Not down with some inked skank?”

Wow, the creeper detectors just melted down, do try and remember that skanks are actually women and by using degrading language you show only your limited intelligence and irrational hatred of women.

“the most obviously ugly and demeaning indicators of low social value that a woman can get.”

Mere opinion, but then again dudes have thought that they should have the right to police the bodies of women.  Sorry deluded dude-bro, that era is over.  Women could not care less about you and your ‘important’ opinions (well, other than show how craptacular they are).

“Why do men find these things so unattractive?”

As if you are an authority on anything, other than spewing vitriol toward women.

“When you go to a parlor and hop in a chair for some greaseball to stick a needle in you and play kindergarten doodle on your skin, you’re lending him a level of familiarity over you. Does this fall under the category of what the mainstream media calls “jealous men calling normal things cheating?”

Wait, what?  Let me spell this out for you (typing slow).  Women are not anyone’s property.  I’ll repeat because the two neurons you may possess seem to fire only infrequently at best.  Women are not property; the screwed up notion of ‘lending familiarity’ reek of patriarchal shite that has no place in a civilized society.

“A man has marked you and you will always carry his handiwork. What if you wore a necklace that another man gave you in the presence of your boyfriend or husband?”

The author of this piece would enjoy Saudi Arabia and the chattel-status of women, as it what he is overtly pining for, during most of his post.

“She also turned out to be quite the skank. Trufax.”

Your anecdotal evidence is underwhelming.  And of course, your hatred of women is affirmed once again.  Funny how women don’t (and shouldn’t) give you the time of day, ever.

“You will lower your social value by having one and limit your choice of potential suitors.”

If it keeps people like you out of the market, it makes tattoos a good, even desirable procedure.

The dude in question allowed one of my comments to appear, but his response is even more telling to his deep hatred and disrespect of women.   I doubt, since he cannot answer simple arguments, that any more productive discussion will happen over there.  In his manly machismo take-on-the-world facade he managed (cowardly) not to publish my second reply to his statement (getting smacked down must have hurt his man fee-fees),  so I’ll do my response here dissembling his fatuous ass-hattery (again).

In a italicized section somehow meant to parody my position, douche-bro…err…dude-bro constructs an elaborate straw-person to hurl “hurtful” invective at.  It’s actually quite sad to see someone try and intimidate/bully their way out of an argument, as it has the effect of demonstrating that the points you are defending are utter shite.  But we should let the man-childe have his little rant –

“My butt hurts so much. I’m so offended. This evil man is contradicting all of the nice things my friends say about me and making me feel generally crappy about my life decisions! I know. I’ll show him.”

*grins* So facile.

One doesn’t even know where to start to deal with the foolishness.  Dude, you put a feminism tag on your crummy misogyny laiden post.  I saw it, smacked it down and moved on.  That ended my commitment to the feckless turd you crapped onto the internets.  Did you think your invective against women is something new?  I hate to break  your aspirations to special snowflake status, but pablum such as yours is run of the mill, par for the course, misogyny.

“I’ll leave a long, meandering post filled with stupid and vague “society says” assertions and just pretend I find it amusing to conceal the hurtfulness.”

I guess that part where facts and relevant information that made your arguments look stupid would qualify as “long and meandering”.

“I’ll use some snark words too. Men totally respect women who have “sass.”

You are under the strange impression that I give a flying fig about what you think about me.   Reality is going to be hard for you once the bubble of misogyny you inhabit bursts.  I’m just helping the process along, exposing the specious foundations that you lay your ‘argumentation’ on.  That anyone, male or female, would have any respect a person who denigrates others as freely as you do, boggles the mind.

“Sorry about your ink. Perhaps if you lost 30 lbs, got it lasered off, stopped being a bitter hag, learned some manners and developed something called self-esteem…”

I’ll add the punctuation to your bloviating run-on sentence, Precious.  How does any of this have anything to do with the crappy quality of your arguments.  I mean, am I supposed to tremble in the face of your mean and nasty words?  Are we in Grade Four?

You do realize that mature adults deal with the arguments as opposed to the playground invective that typifies your response?.  It’s okay to say, “I’m wrong, and all I have is bluster and personal attacks”.

“you might somehow find the fortitude to go about the internet without wasting time to post something I don’t care about in response to an article that made your butt hurt and filled you with tears.”

Lol, Dude, this is the internet and that means people can see your vacuous statements and comment on them, you do know you’re running a blog right?  And your assertions, when put to scrutiny fail miserably, thus if dissent bothers you so much, perhaps a forum more sympathetic to your particular set of odious views would be in order.

“I’m keeping this comment up as an example of exactly how rustled a modern woman’s jimmies get when you dare to question her stupid and whorish behavior.”

I’ll keep yours up as an example of how hermetic social enclaves create amazingly inane, hateful behaviour and as a prime example of how patriarchal culture hurts men and women.   Oh, and as example of how not to treat and think about women, as if that needs to be explicitly said.

“Do take my advice, though.”

Dude, as evinced by the quality of your writing and “opinion”, your advice not only is unnecessary, it is unwelcome.   :)

“You might attract a man with a backbone into your life”

You say that like it’s an admirable goal…  Anyhow, in conclusion, when I need a dude-bro’s crappy misogynistic arguments to dissemble, I’ll be looking at the rich well of insipid offerings that your blog has to offer.