You would think that god would have a fairly good grasp of equality, being final arbitrator and high mucky-muck an all that bally-ho.  Apparently not, as it would seem that none of the major religious texts seem to think that men and women are (or should be) equal, and in fact, most advocate for women being in a subordinate position relative to men.

So the real question is that, if you happen to be female, why do you subscribe to a mindset that explicitly marks you as inferior class of people.  People spend a lot of time trying to mask the fact that religion is a stinky shit sandwich.  Certainly apologists can bleat about *interpretations* and what the words *actually* mean…

But really, no matter how much mayo you add, you’re still left with the steamy religious-turd-surprise of a shit sandwich that is undeniably, corrosively, wholeheartedly misogynistic to its very core.