Christian Reality…

It is like watching a traffic accident, everyone just slows down and gawks at the spectacle at hand.  The wordpress reader made me slow down and read this post from Cynthia on The Trumpet Sound. 

Now usually when I see the godbaggy speak oozing forth from a blog I just keep on going knowing that safely nothing of any intelligible substance will come from there.  Today folks though, it is different.  This post pretty much has it all – Dreams! Prophecy! Revelation! – oh and the usual racism and batshit insane calumny one expects from the non-reality based.

This is a perfect example of Jon Stewart’s Mudslide on BullShit Mountain.  If all your friends and media are saying the same things (based on magic happy thoughts) one has no way of telling what is actually happening outside of your little bubble of delusion.  Our devoted GOP base are out of touch reality and as this upcoming examination of their brand of thinking  will show, the way to fix problems caused by your delusional beliefs is with…  moar delusional beliefs.

Hang on to your hats kids, the Arbourist and the trusty Ole SnarkyRed Pen O’ Justice will be scribing with the full righteous fury of rationality for your benefit today.

Let’s get this party started.  (tomfoolery in brown, justice in red)

In the day following my posting of the article “America is Sinking,” I got physically super exhausted that I slept through the day while the election was being concluded in the US. While in deep sleep I got a phone call from my Mom-in-law informing me that Obama won.  (I’m pretty sure one cannot be in a deep sleep and talk with the in-laws at the same time, although this could be a extraordinary ability powered by jebus himself, we should err on the side of caution and conclude this is merely poor writing.) We talked for a while and as she hang up, still with my eyes closed I asked, “Now what, Lord?”(Because eye open prayers and pleas to your magic sky daddy is for the sinners dontcha know.)

Then I heard the still small voice in my spirit, “It’s time to mourn.” (Oh, you actually questioned the voices in your head, good for you!) Then I said, “If I heard you correctly, Lord, please give me your word on it.” (You talked back to the voices in your head, bad for you.  Not to mention questioning the supreme ooga-booga? I think you get to burn in hell for that one, just sayn’)

Then I could hear the voice said, “Open your Bible,” so I did. (Who doesn’t listen to the voices in their head – oh right..sane people)  With eyes half opened, I saw the big bold letters: LAMENTATIONS and the highlighted first two verses. I needed go no further for I have known the verses to heart (full points for rote memorization of a dusty tomb of ancient bronze age wisdom) as these were the same words that He gave me when I asked for confirmation if I saw and heard right about the prophetic connection between A.A. Allen’s Vision and Don McLean’s American Pie song which I wrote here: (yes, folks there is divinity in the song American Pie, if you can see through the tears of laughter follow the link and let gods ‘wisdom’ revealed).

How lonely lies the city that once thronged with people! Once great among the nations, now she is like a widow! Once princess among provinces, she has become a vassal.

Bitterly she weeps at night, tears running down her cheeks. Not one of all her lovers is there to comfort her. Her friends have all betrayed her; they have become her enemies.

As I pondered on the situation and the word of the Lord, I remembered the Statue of Liberty prominently on a very dark background.(Phreaky!!)I thought that’s what America now, covered in darkness as Obama remains in the White House. When the thought of the White House hit , I saw a glimpse of a “black” White House. I thought it was weird, a “black” White House! (well duh! Black is evil and we all know what colour Obama is….Eeeeeevill!)  When I recalled the image, it actually looked like a haunted house.

The Lord confirmed this impression of darkness covering America when yesterday I woke up and saw Obama and heard, “Darkness has swallowed up the land.”
(Well I’m glad for the sake of veracity that you are double checking your facts.)

This morning I woke up to a dream (distinguishing between sleep and awake cycles seems problematic for you). In the dream I was in our house in America. Then there came a storm, raging in its fury. It was horrifying as I  watched it destroyed everything along the way. The land was covered with water that it became like a sea and our house standing in the middle of the sea. The tsunami-like waves rolled several times over. Then came the strongest wind which uprooted several trees and gave a devastating blow all over. The last wave hit and receded and hardened. Everything was destroyed except our house which remained intact and unscratched. Then there was stillness as if the world stood still. (You are making this shit up to conform to your feelings and then adding “my skydaddy says so” to make your confused rantings sound important.).

The stillness though was very brief for there came a very loud noise of merrymaking. My Mom and I went to the window to see what was happening. We saw people in gay costumes on the watered street . The noise was the sound of a band marching on the street still covered with water. These people are homosexuals (because people in frivolous uniforms = homosexuals the world over, a pox on you shiny sequins!!). My mother asked what they were doing. Then I told her, “This is what the Lord said, that these people do not believe that the storm is His judgment. They still do not believe that God is judging them for their perversion.(And you were worried that Cynthia would only be a racist, but like so many delusional christian warriors the homophobia runs strong as well.) Their merrymaking is an act of defiance, telling God to His face, ‘We don’t believe you.’”  (How dare they not believe in my mythology!?! That is a double burning in hell forever on you – and take your sequins with you!!) Just as I said that the sky darkened again and another storm was coming quickly. Then I woke up (You do know that its okay to express your opinions without all the weirdness right?).

Obama was re-elected because America never woke up to reality during his first term(Oh cupcake, the reality you talk about has been around you since day 1, inside the insipid religious bubble of stupid you inhabit reality doesn’t make a whit of sense). The close contest (actually Obama always ahead, but then again, in fantasy land that factual based shite doesn’t matter.) between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was an indication that the Lord could have changed His mind and given the US another grace period (by grace period you mean more government policy based on the shitty things you believe that have little to do with reality or rational thought.) with a lesser evil in the White House. But as Americans never learned and humbled themselves before God (prostrating oneself  for mythological creatures has gone out of style, at least for those who value rationality), He has now given the nation over to the power of the devil (No, not the Devil!) . Evil will be unleashed in greater intensity. Obama is the embodiment of Satan (oh yes, the Devil).

( Just a brief note.  Thinking like this is partially responsible for the Democratic victory in 2012, so really my GOP base friends pray harder, its working wonders for you.)

A week before the election in 2008, my fellow intercessor who is also a seer (Wow! Completely credible.) like  prayed and asked God who would be America’s president. The Lord showed her Obama with horns and tail and the devil’s scepter in his hand (There is a lot of Devil hate going on here, Satan might just be tragically misunderstood).   She shivered at the vision and asked why him if he is “the devil?” The Lord answered that it is because He is angry with the wickedness of America (“He” certainly as a funny way of showing it, speaking through seers and letting Obama get elected again); He is likewise angry with the church leaders who are not preaching the truth(how can you preach the truth when your source material is most accurately labelled “historical fiction”?) and are misleading the flock (well at least you got the misleading part correct).

America is enveloped in darkness as Obama remains in the “black” White House (because the scare quotes totally fix the racism in your allegations). About two weeks ago the Lord impressed to me to review and summarize (You would think the lord would have learned to be concise by now.) the visions and messages He gave me about America over the months. When Obama won, I tried to recall in my mind the visions and the words. Alas!, they perfectly fit. If you go over all the articles I have written about America (It’s its like you are finding patterns that you are looking for, welcome to science 101 and how not to investigate reality!), the messages are more obvious now that Obama remains as America’s president:

Abortion will be at its peak(damn those women wanting bodily autonomy, perpetual barefoot pregnancy is great!); Homosexuality will be worst (the worst of what?  I hope were not bringing up the sequins again.); Stealth jihad (wholly frack!  Noone told me about Stealth-Jihad, oh right its just as “real” as the rest of this delusional pap.) will tighten its grip as the Muslim Brotherhood will have more power through Obama (the stealthiest of Muslims, he has a direct line to Allah I hear, look at his watch carefully and you’ll see the sign!!); Israel will be left on her own, and worst, Obama will deliver her over to her enemies; America will slide fast into the cliff (sliding into cliff; much worse than sailing over them – yes folks even THOSE cliffs..the white cliffs of Dover!); America will be attacked; America will meet her sudden destruction; America will sink to the bottom (Of what?  The barrel? The Pool?, the Pickle Jar??!?  Oh please please, not the pickle jar!) .

It is indeed time to mourn, time to wail and lament for the nation is coming to her end (and write torpid, meandering blog posts characterized by a firm grip on unreality). Obama will lead America to her downfall. Remember that in my vision of a train hitting an oblivious man, very shortly I saw Obama and heard “Obamacare.” (because like most policies that help people, they are spawned of the Devil!) This is to show that Obama and his policies especially on Abortion will be directly involved in bringing about America’s demise (You would think that giving women rights to their body would be a good thing, but hey demise of America, so be it). Recall that the Lord revealed to me that America’s greatest sin is abortion as I wrote here: (You can go to the link, I can only digest so much stupid at one time, follow at your own risk.)

My vision of the “Fallen Obama” which the Lord said also means the Fall of America will soon come to pass. Everything that is America will soon be over.(Everything, not even Apple Pie will remain, the horror.)  But there will remain a remnant (Oh?), the believers, the True Church whom the Lord will keep protected against all that is to come to the nation (And exactly who are the True Believers?  Some 30,000 sects of christianity exist they all claim to be the true path). As the plagues and calamities begin to fall one after another, His people (his people are those of Jewish descent, or did you miss that memo?) will remain steadfast just as our house in my dream today remained unmoved and unscratched amidst the ravaging storm.

No longer will the Lord hold back His righteous judgment, hence, this is the most crucial time for America and for every individual (Nah, as long as you say you believe in jebus, you have you bases covered). This is the moment to make a radical choice to either accept God and His salvation through Jesus Christ or go on living for the enemy and suffer in his hands(Ah yes, the caring and compassionate sky-daddy who sends people to burn for eternity, erm…no thanks). This is the time where darkness and light will be in stark contrast; a time where the tares will be separated from the wheat; a time where the line is drawn for the righteous and the wicked; a time for the Church to awake and arise and be that she is called to be (Rightly so, the  anachronistic bug-a-boo known as organized religion will be put to bed, this holdover from the dark ages that is well past its due date will be forever expunged from modern society, how nice.). This is the time for the lukewarm Church of Laodicea to decide whether to remain lukewarm or to open the door for the Messiah who has been knocking at her door(Okay, sure.).

This is the time to say (Now that I’ve run out of my homemade frothy crazy talk), “Choose you this day whom you will serve!”

Joshua 24: 15 (CJB)

“If it seems bad to you to serve Adonai, then choose today whom you are going to serve! Will it be the gods your ancestors served beyond the River, or the gods of the Emori in whose land you are living? As for me and my household, we will serve Adonai.”

Love and Prayers in Yeshua,


(You would think that all of this prolix would be enough.  I mean plodding through the “god said this” and thinly veiled racism would be enough…but wait…there’s more.  It like an infomercial for stupid that just won’t quit.)

A Message to the Homosexuals:

This blog is not a forum for debate (It is for crazy talke and religiously approved bullshite, lets keep that straight). This article is written to warn you of what is coming if you continue with your wrong belief about God, His laws and His love. I am simply doing what I am commanded to do, to shout aloud the warning (Ah, it isn’t your fault you are amplifying hate toward others, it is you’re god’s fault, personal responsibility be dammed.). Yes, He is a compassionate and loving God but He is not the author of perversion (If He created everything and everyone then yes, he is the author of “perversion”.  I’m getting dizzy already from all the logical end-arounds in your post). He designed only male and female, no ‘in between(hermaphrodites – they must be of the realm science fiction).’ If you wish to argue and insist that homosexuality is acceptable to God and in the Bible, then bring your arguments to Him; after all it is His laws that you are violating, not mine; He is the one you are offending, not me (Although you seem to be acting with a fair bit of temerity in His stead, it is almost like you’re giving your opinion again and then saying “my god says so”, not that its happened before or anything..). My opinion(yours counts for a bit less because you base your opinion on magical fairy tales) and your opinion don’t really matter.

Again, this is not the time to hold back the message for time is of the essence. Your life is precious to Him, but homosexuality is such an abomination (Hate preaching, such a benevolent christian activity). You either accept the truth and turn around or perish with the lie that you are dearly holding on to; either repent while God is willing to forgive or continue in defiance until His hand of judgment falls upon you (Think like me or burn forever – great argument, for the Bronze Age).

God will not be raising people to warn you if He is not serious about you. Your unbelief and rejection of Him will not in any way affect His Sovereignty, nor will it move His throne a bit (he has a throne? Does he read on it like I do?)He has nothing to lose if you keep rejecting Him and His Word (For the record Zeus and Vishnu also have nothing to lose, quake even more homosexuals!!!!) . And I have nothing to lose if you hate me for telling you this (Hate?  No.  Laughing at your delusional behaviour – hellsya!  Concluding this takedown of your inane bullcookery I fell only a slight sense of sadness of see a life wasted chasing ghosts and boglins and being spoken to by voices no one else can hear, but hey your choice.)   But you only have one precious soul to lose in eternity if you will not listen (So its not really homophobia and hate, I’m just trying to save your soul so repent Fa**ots. Nice.  Keep your insincere ramblings to yourself).

Proverbs 27:5

Open rebuke is better than secret love. (And reality is better than the religious fantasy you live.)