With all the noise coming from the rightwing deluded conservo-nut side of the blogosphere decrying loss of all hope, I thought I would reaffirm the reason why they lost and lost big in their election.  Your base is believes in magic and mythology, here and now in the 21st century.  Your wacky ideas had their time in the sun and royally screwed things up.

Today we embrace modernity and evidence based problem solving.  Supplicating yourself to your magic-skydaddy and turning off your higher faculties has accomplished nothing of value except highlighting your ingrained ignorance and dismissal of reason.  The religiously deluded exist now to be shown as the way <em>not</em> to do things and how not to construct a caring, ethical society.

This is a new/old series featuring Carl Sagan narration and clips.  I like where it is going so far and want to share it with you my faithful readership..  ;)