The neat thing about bad arguments is that usually they are layered in thick and fast that you don’t catch them the first time,so you have to slow down and rewind the tape to see the intersectionality of wrongness and then unweave the fail.

Today’s disservice is dedicated to a post by the Wayward Catholic, ostensibly extending the putrefied olive branch of religion to those who are drifting (I imagine it is code for people who are starting to think for themselves) to get them back into the feckless fold.

A noble cause indeed.  But hey, if the arguments are good, then maybe there is a good point to be had.  Riiiiight…anyhow, lets see how the Wayward Catholic does in his(assumption of gender) post “Killing is wrong“.

The argument was if I supported such a law and the law passed then that would be forcing my opinion on others. Of course the commentor fails to see that the opposite must also be true as well. Passing any law ca be considered one group of people forcing their opinion on another group.

Individual laws are forcing their “opinion” on other people.  Cannibals are rightly annoyed that they cannot go to the local Uncle Wally’s and begin the all-U-can eat feast.  Laws are in place in society to preserve order and promote fair treatment in society and usually, said laws are enacted based their utility and on the needs of said society.

A perfect example is the HHS contraception mandate. This mandate forces all employers (with a very narrow exception) to provide contraception, sterilizations and “morning after” pills to their employees whether they have a religious objection to them or not.

Ah, the persecution!! Not being able to propagate outdated and irrational beliefs on society, the horror!  Welcome to civilization that does not kowtow to your magic book and delusional mind-set.  Women use contraception and should have access to it when they need it, at any time.  Reproductive consequences for women are serious and they need to have all the options available to them.

But then this is the typical secular argument. They see all issues from one side, and one side only. If they think something is right, it is right, end of story, and anything which has to do with religion isn’t right so it is bad and must be destroyed.

What a marvellous case of projection you have going there, never mind the sweeping generalizations about all “secular arguments”.  I imagine the problem for you is that often, secular arguments are based on evidence and verifiable facts, rather than on mythology, magic and dogmatic adherence to bronze age bugaboo.

The fact is, access to contraception is good for society.  The above links are just a small sample of the evidence that supports the benefits of contraception in society.  Just because you do not believe in contraception does not mean contraception is a bad thing.  You have every right to express your opinion.  However, unsubstantiated opinion is pretty much next to worthless when it comes to the law and moral issues in society.

Belief weighs heavily in the next paragraph, a paragraph one sees much to often from those who worship the almighty fetus.  But hey one more reiteration won’t hurt, especially when its being used for educational purposes.

Even though killing and murder is wrong they will defend it, doing everything they can to “soften” the fact that it is murder, that they are taking a life. An innocent one at that, one who doesn’t have a “choice”.

Killing and murder is generally wrong, especially when dealing with people.  Blastocycsts, fetuses, fertilized eggs et cetera are not people.   I’m going to assume, for the sake of argument that you think that “life” begins conception.  It is an erroneous, problematic assumption at best.  So, what this comes down to is whether or not you think women get to makes choices about what goes on in their body.

You don’t get a say if you need a kidney and I happen to have one that is suitable to donate. Bodily autonomy does not magically stop when it comes to uteri.   What goes on in a woman’s uterus falls under the same measure, her body, her choice.  It starts and ends there.

We can always thank religion for continuing the war on women.