Never forget what is important, what matters, what is real.  We here at DWR do our best to avoid the unruly scourge of the capitalist driven christmas season.  On this day we need to remember not everyone is celebrating, not everyone is sharing in good spirits, not everyone is waiting in anticipation for tomorrow the culmination of what started on Black Friday in November.

Some only wish to be warm, some want only to be safe; but some are past such mundane concerns…

I still cannot get past this segment from the West Wing without getting misty.  The actors portray such a vivid commitment to what is right as opposed to what is expedient.  I weep, yet I find hope that such actions are happening here in the real world and people do have the capacity to find their empathy, embrace their altruism and do the right thing.

Trust your empathy, embrace your altruism and find the courage to do what is right this holiday season and everyday after.

May you be safe with your family and friends this fine day…you will have to excuse me now, I have a date with my family and some perogies… :>