When the religious compare their dogma of choice to science it is almost always a grand misrepresentation of what science actually is.  One can break it down for them categorically for instance:

religion – requires a belief in magic and the supernatural

science – requires a dedication to finding the evidence and testable facts about our existence.

As a person who is solidly in the second camp let me assure you, I have no need to “believe” in science.  One cannot believe in science as one does religion, it is a false equivocation from the outset.  My belief in gravity has no effect on whether gravity applies to me or not, and as hard as I might pray to the gravity gods, I will still be attracted toward the center of the Earth(this works for religious prayer to as well in terms of efficacy).

But what would happen if science was actually a religion.  Dr.Dawkins investigates this premise in this video